Our team consists of fourteen motivated and dedicated young individuals who founded a Junior Company at BG/BRG Stainach in 2023. Our mission is to produce high-quality pasta from organic spent grain, offering our customers a fiber- and protein-rich food option. Each member of our team contributes their unique skills and shares a passion for healthy, sustainable food.

Viktoria Vidackovic and Julian Zefferer (CEO)

Our managing directors, Julian Zefferer and Viktoria Vidackovic lead our company with great enthusiasm and prudence.

They maintain an excellent overview, focus on great teamwork and effective communication between every department and partners.

Anna Steinwidder

Our production manager, Anna Steinwidder, ensures that our pasta always meets the highest organic quality standards with the help of her production team.

The production of our organic spent grain pasta is carried out in close collaboration with our production company, which ensures that our spent grain pasta is made to the highest standards.

Team of Production

Valerie Auer

Our marketing manager, Valerie Auer, works enthusiastically with her team, consisting of Hanna Lemmerer, Liana Mamikonyan, and Felix Holzer, to spread our sustainable message.

Customers will quickly be convinced of the benefits of our brewer´s spent grain pasta!

Through our social media accounts, all our followers stay up to date!

Team of Marketing

Anna Tippl

Our department of sales, led by Anna Tippl, serves as the link between us and our valued customers. She works togehter with Sarah Lux and Hannah Roßmann.

Our purchasing team maintains close relationships with the suppliers of our organic raw materials to ensure we always receive the best ingredients for our brewer´s spent grain pasta.

Our sales experts deliver our organic products to people who value a circular economy and healthy nutrition.

Team of Sales

Sebastian Mayerl

Our finance department, led by department head Sebastian Mayerl and staff member Anna Haas, serves as the central hub ensuring our financial stability.

Anna and Sebastian ensure that financial resources are used efficiently. They will also deliver the joyful news of hopefully substantial profits to our shareholders at the end of the fiscal year.

Team of Finance

Our jorney starts, where brewing concludes !