Your Questions - Our Answers

What´s a Junior Company?

A "Junior Company" is a program offered by Junior Achievement (JA), a global nonprofit organization focused on promoting entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and career readiness among young people. A Junior Company is a student-led mini-enterprise where students have the opportunity to establish their own business, develop products or services, market them, and sell them. This allows students to gain practical experience in business and enhance their entrepreneurial skills.

How is your product developed and manufactured?

We source our valuable organic brewer´s spent grains from a brewery in Schladming , where it is gently dried and ground into spent grain flour. This flour is then processed into our pasta, using regional organic eggs from "Lechnerhof" in Rottenmann, which is produced at "Bad Zeller Eierhof".

Where can I buy your pasta?

Our pasta is available in our Webshop, in Billa stores Haus im Ennstal, Gröbming, Irdning, Stainach and Liezen (BILLA PLUS & ELI). Furthermore in Spar stores in Gröbming, Öblarn, Irdning and Aigen im Ennstal. You can also buy our noodles at Grabnerhof-Hofladen in Admont, at Lechnerhofladen in Rottenmann, at Museumsshop of Schloss Trautenfels, at Bio-Trio and Bauernladen in Gröbming. 

Why is brewer´s spent grain such a great ressource?

Brewer´s pent grains contain essential nutrients including fiber, proteins, and fats. Additionally, it is rich in minerals such as B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, crucial for a balanced diet. Studies also confirm the presence of secondary plant compounds like phenols and flavonoids, which may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the body.

Do brewer´s spent grains contain alcohol?

Any concerns about the alcohol content of our pasta can be easily clarified: Brewer´s spent grains are derived from the brewing process before fermentation, ensuring they contain no alcohol.

If you have any further questions, let us know via our social media accounts!